Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Reflection

Number Eleven Messages

Number Eleven Messages are numerological transmissions coming to us in this time. Associations for every number have been with us, but not in the form of extensive dialogue. The number eleven tells us in this dialogue that the transmissions are coming from cosmos, who is using number 11 numerology to decode what needs to be said. This relationship between cosmos and the number 11 is explained further in the book.

Numerology has been around since the ancient Chaldeans of Babylon and later Pythagorean systems. The Chaldean system is said to have never evolved, while the Pythagorean moved forward with humanity. For an evolution we need a modern language and a modern system, not something outdated. The evolution is showing us that the ancient world, while foundational and certainly agents in humanity’s consciousness evolution, is not the evolution itself. The old systems played their roles in the steps forward, but the current evolution regards the steps not yet taken.

Whether or not you know how to do number to letter decoding as is done in numerology, it is probable that you’ve at least heard of it. Some of you will know it intimately as a system where numbers have associations and meanings in the divination sense of usage, offering a way for you to explore your personality. In modern times, numerology offers us an extended view of ourselves through our life and soul path numbers along with new associations and meanings for the numbers in order that we can work our personal paths. This second system was created by Dan Millman, whose book is entitled “The Life you were Born to Live.” Beyond these previous numerology systems comes another movement forward with the emergence of the number eleven speaking its insightful dialogue about our personal evolution of consciousness.

Writer and psychologist, P. D. Ouspensky, tells us in “The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution” that one must find themselves before they can evolve. Numerology agrees as it has grown and expanded from the study of the personality traits to offering help for finding one’s self, through walking life and soul paths, to now assisting in evolving our soul self, awareness and consciousness through advanced evolution dialogue. The past few centuries have been a preparation for this particular movement of humanity. The spiritual awakening in the west and the discovering the inner self for many who were taught to be rational beings brought us alternative consciousness streams from the greater ocean of consciousness. Our current awareness of re-designing and aligning with the expansion after the experience of living in a personality which was developed by social programming is an evolution. Number eleven speaking gives you the tools which keep you moving forward in your enlightenment, in your awakening and your expansion of consciousness. The master number eleven inspires us to keep questing, reminding us that the evolution is not over.

As mentioned on the home page, Carl Jung foretold this coming of numbers speaking when he said, “To the former [Mathematician], number is a means of counting; to the latter [Psychology], it is a discovered entity capable of making individual statements if it is given a chance.” ~ Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II Page 405

After receiving thousands of messages from the master number eleven, I would lean to say I am living such an account. Eleven is speaking – fluently, wisely and esoterically, due to this time of human receptivity. This book is a prime example of what can come to us through a number if we are open.

Pythagoras’ numerological chart moved into its own evolution to produce such an event. The arrival of a computer algorithm which can decode letters to number eleven messages in the Pythagorean way, makes it possible to translate what the number eleven is saying rapidly and accurately. Add the mysterious arrival of 137 in physics and the mysterious interaction humanity has been having with sighting repetitions of the number eleven such as 11:11 or 111.

In atomic physics, 137 pops up all over the place and was baffling even to the best of minds. In reference to this number in physics, the great physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Richard Feynman said:

“It [137] has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than 50 years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number on their wall and worry about it…you might say the hand of God wrote that number, and we don’t know how he pushed his pencil.”

The pencil that was pushing was the number eleven trying to speak to them. What the physicists didn’t deduce was how the number 137 equals eleven (1+3+7=11) as does the term ‘dimensionless constant’ which this mysterious 137 represents. The written words of the number ‘one hundred thirty seven’ gives us 111, through numerological means. There is profound contemplation in this recognition that the number eleven is speaking from a dimensionless constant. Now add how the arrival of the computer’s ones and zeros which is another term which equals 11, and you can see that Carl Jung’s perception began back then and continues to evolve now.

We may not know why the 11 is the numerological transmitter but we can surmise that it is speaking and more fluidly now because it has been given the chance, as Carl Jung told us the numbers would. As mentioned, there are an extensive amount of decodings from the number eleven coming through for evolution consciousness, enhancement and expansion in this time. The first book brings you the view of a continual evolution to everything we are into all that we are now becoming. This is not saying anything is wrong. That is the intrinsic beauty of it. The number eleven is saying that everything is moving forward and humanity is developing an ability for seeing it. This is not only wisdom generating, but liberating. Consciousness boundaries are a type of illusion since in truth there are none. An eternal consciousness continuum and expansion is a reality.

This next year (2018) the year of eleven (2+0+1+8=11), is bound to be an expansive and awe awakening time. The scale working to tip us into the new paradigm is reaching its tilting point. We’ve exhausted our supply of old spiritual influx in the old streams. The new is coming to shore now. If you are one of the spiritual seekers who are ready for the next surge of consciousness evolution and acquiring new skill sets for soul and consciousness expansion, this book will touch and benefit.

Humanity is also a species involved in tool making. As tool makers we are always looking for advances in our tool set. Tools are the way humanity survives. As we need tools in the external world, so we need tools for the internal. After this millennium’s dawn and surge of teachers, gurus, experts and [techsperts] in the western world, its easy to see we are entering a new age. From an Information Age, we shift to the Age of Awareness which leads us to an example of number eleven speak which tells us:

“The Age of Information is evolving into an Age of Awareness’

This statement equals 11, as do the following:

‘New tools and methods will prosper’ = 11.  ‘New tools are crucial for forwarding human consciousness development’ = 11.

‘Numerological guidance’ = 101  via ‘the Master Number Eleven‘ = 11 is one of them.

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You can find a Sample Reading of Book One: Here

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May your evolutionary journey be insightful.